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Renting vs Owning – Financial Literacy Lesson and Practice

Renting vs Owning – Financial Literacy Lesson and Practice

File Type: ZIP Folder, PDF, Google Slides
Grade Levels: 9-12

This housing lesson includes everything you need to teach students about the differences between renting an apartment and buying a house.



This housing personal finance lesson and practice worksheet includes everything you need to teach students about the differences between renting an apartment and buying a house.

The lesson includes Google Slides, a student notes sheet, and a scenarios practice worksheet.

The Google Slides require no prep and will aid you as you teach about all the aspects of renting and owning, and the differences between the two.

Students will compare renting and owning in the following aspects:

  • Upfront Costs
  • Amount of Responsibility
  • Monthly Payments
  • Maintenance
  • Customization and Remodeling
  • Insurance Requirements
  • Equity
  • Selling/Moving Out


Students will then be given seven short scenarios in which they will recommend whether an individual should rent or buy a home.

**The Google Slides included in this resource are not editable.**


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Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy
Middle School Math
Middle School Math
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Grade Level