These four personal finance resources will teach your students everything they need to know about credit cards to avoid financial mistakes as young adults. Topics include credit vs debit cards, credit scores, credit card statements, credit card interest, minimum payments, and more!
Keep students engaged with a variety of lessons and activities, including Google Slides presentations, guided notes, station activities, scavenger hunt, Google Sheets activities, and an independent research activity. Also includes a quiz to assess student’s knowledge at the end of the unit.
All lessons are easy prep and include everything you need except for making copies! Click the ‘Preview’ button to view samples and more detailed resource descriptions.
This bundle includes:
- Intro to Credit Cards – This lesson teaches students the basics of credit card use, including common vocabulary, advantages and disadvantages, credit vs debit, and credit scores. Includes Google Slides, Guided Notes, and 5 Practice Stations Activities.
- Understanding Your Credit Card Statement – Students will learn how to read and interpret the information on a credit card statement. Includes Google Slides, Guided Notes, and a practice scavenger hunt activity.
- Making the Minimum Payment – This Google Sheets spreadsheet activity will guide students in setting up and using a spreadsheet to calculate how long it will take to pay off an item, as well as how expensive it will be, while only making the minimum payment on a credit card.
- Credit Card Comparison (Both PDF and Google Sheets Versions Included)- Students will independently research four credit cards, locate their disclosures, and then compare interest rates and APRs, fees, terms, and more.
- BONUS FILE: Credit Card Quiz – This quiz can be used after completing each of the four activities to assess students’ knowledge. A paper version and a Google Forms version are both included. Answer key and Bundle Pacing Guide are also included in the Bonus File.
The Google Slides included with these resources are not editable.
**Students will need devices with internet access and Google Accounts with access to Google Sheets in order to access some activities included in this bundle.**
Need a full curriculum for your class? This unit plus six more are included in the Understanding Personal Finance Curriculum here.
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