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Percent Applications Speed Dating – Partner Practice Activity

Percent Applications Speed Dating – Partner Practice Activity

File Type: ZIP Folder, PDF
Grade Levels: 7-8

Engaging partner practice activity for applications of percentages, including sales tax, tips, discounts, and more!



Easy prep, percent partner activity for practice applying percentages to problems including sales tax, discounts, coupons, markups, commissions, and simple interest.

How ‘Speed Dating’ Works:

  • Half of the students will get a card with an item and price, the other half will get a card with a percent application problem. Print item cards and percent application cards on different colors.
  • Students find a partner with the opposite color card. They’ll work together to solve the problem created by their cards.
  • Once they agree on the solution, they’ll trade cards and look for a new partner.
  • This continues until you end the activity.

This activity works well using individual whiteboards, but I’ve also included a student recording sheet that could be used so you have a record of each student’s work.

Includes 24 item cards and 24 percent application cards (enough for a class of up to 48 students).


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